Welcome to the Middle School Clinicians and School Counselors

 School Counseling Department  Office Main Number: 845 -353 -7220 / 845- 353- 7221

 Lorraine Longing, Director of Guidance K - 12, 353 -7123, llonging@nyackschools.org

Liz Battista, Grade 6 School Counselor, 353-7225,  lbattista@nyackschools.org,  

Marie-Carmel Durandisse, School Psychologist, 353-7226, mdurandisse@nyackschools.org

Francesca Falvo, Grade  7 School Counselor, 353-7223, ffalvo@nyackschools.org,  

 Edgar Lambert, Grade  8 School Counselor , 353-7224, elambert@nyackschools.org,  

Dornzella Milligan, Student Support Services and Prevention Counselor, 353-7134, dmilligan@nyackschool.org

TBA, Family Resource Center Coordinator, 353-7214, 

 Jeanine Rufo, School Social Worker, 353-7238, jrufo@nyackschools.org

School Counseling Department Support Staff 

Aniceli Tejada, 353 - 7220, atejada@nyackschools.org
Eileen McGee, 353-7221, emcgee@nyackschools.org

School Counselors welcome you back to another fabulous school year!

Happenings in the Middle School for the 24 - 25 school year!

class of 2029 video for 9th grade classes

8th grade parent orientation information

 Powerpoint from our 8th grade Parent Orientation scheduled on January 22:_orientation WELCOME CLASS OF 2029 pptx.pdf 

Thank you!

Thank you for helping the Middle School Guidance Department, especially during our Career Day!


Angela Metzler

Art Carter

Brian Davis

David Hill

Elena Stokes

Gabe Honig

Gaby Kohler

Jason Samuel

Jeffrey Rothman

Kereen Evans-McKay

Matt Cardin

Megan Kndeler

Michael Pettiford

Nicola Medrano

Queilla Coutinho

Rachel Astarte

Shakira Petit

Shane Rogers

Stephanie Kruger

Vando Goncalves

Contact your child's counselor if you would like to volunteer for the next career day presentation!