Welcome to the Middle School Clinicians and School Counselors
Lorraine Longing, Director of Guidance K - 12, 353 -7123, llonging@nyackschools.org
Liz Battista, Grade 6 School Counselor, 353-7225, lbattista@nyackschools.org,
Marie-Carmel Durandisse, School Psychologist, 353-7226, mdurandisse@nyackschools.org
Francesca Falvo, Grade 7 School Counselor, 353-7223, ffalvo@nyackschools.org,
Edgar Lambert, Grade 8 School Counselor , 353-7224, elambert@nyackschools.org,
Dornzella Milligan, Student Support Services and Prevention Counselor, 353-7134, dmilligan@nyackschool.org
TBA, Family Resource Center Coordinator, 353-7214,
Jeanine Rufo, School Social Worker, 353-7238, jrufo@nyackschools.org
School Counseling Department Support Staff
Happenings in the Middle School for the 24 - 25 school year!
8th grade parent orientation information
Powerpoint from our 8th grade Parent Orientation scheduled on January 22:_orientation WELCOME CLASS OF 2029 pptx.pdf
6th to 7th Transition night at the middle school at 6:30
Guidance & School Counseling Office -
7th to 8th grade transition night at the middle school at 6:30 pm
Guidance & School Counseling Office
School Counseling Communications for the 24- 25 school year. Coming soon!
8th grade scheduling letter: 25-26 8th to 9th Grade Scheduling Letter.pdf
Welcome Letter from Mr. Lambert grade 8: 2024 Welcome Letter Gr 8.pdf
Welcome letter from Mrs. Falvo grade 7: Welcome Back Letter- 7th 3.pdf
Welcome Letter from Mrs. Battista grade 6: Battista-6th Grade Welcome Back Letter.pdf
College planning tips for Middle School students and parents
No matter what grade you are in, it's never too early to begin planning and preparing for College. Middle School is important for building a academic foundation.
- Form strong study habits by being prepared, studying and doing your homework every night.
- Stay focused , set academic and personal goals and work towards achieving those milestones.
- Get organized, develop a calendar, to keep track of important test dates and assignment and project due dates.
- Get and stay involved in extracurricular clubs - getting involved in different clubs and activities helps to develop your interests and you will feel more engaged in your school experience.
- Visit a nearby college campus
- Browse through the resources available to you in the Naviance program. Begin to develop a resume. Search colleges. Complete a Career Cluster Finder, or Strength Explorer.
- Meet with your school counselor. Your counselor is a valuable resource for you.
8th to 9th grade transition information
Letter to 8th grade parents: 25-26 8th to 9th Grade Scheduling Letter.pdf
High School Program of Studies:
Program of Studies 2025-2026 ENG
Program of Studies 2024-2025 ENG
Program of Studies 2024-2025 HAITIAN CREOLE
Program of Studies 2024-2025 SPANISH
Our 8th grade parent orientation is scheduled for January 22, 2025 at 6:30 at the high school in the school auditorium.
8th grade students will receive information about High School Elective Courses during the week of January 6, 2025. Students will receive a program of studies, plus a elective sheet and worksheet.
Program of Studies worksheet: Your high school Plan of Studies worksheet.
Resources for Parents
Middle School Program of Studies ( curriculum guide) in English MS program of studies 2024-25.pdf
Middle School Program of Studies ( curriculum Guide) in Spanish 424Program of Studies 2021-2022
Middle School Program of Studies ( curriculum Guide) in Creole : coming soon
Nyack School District's Comprehensive School Counseling/ Guidance Plan English: K - 12 Nyack School District Guidance Plan 2024-25.pdf
Nyack School District's Comprehensive School Counseling / Guidance Plan Spanish: K - 12 Nyack School District Guidance Plan 2024-25 SPA.pdf
Nyack School District Comprehensive School Counseling / Guidance Plan Creole: K - 12 Nyack School District Guidance Plan 2024-25 HAI CRE.pdf
Information to help your child with increased anxiety about returning to school: https://childmind.org/article/back-to-school-anxiety-during-covid/
For information on teen depression in English: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/teen-depression/teendepression_20-mh-8089_150205.pdf
Parent Resources:
The Governor has opened an Emotional Support Hotline: 1-844-863-9314, more information can be found at: https://omh.ny.gov/omhweb/covid-19-resources.html
Safety supports
- National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Line: 988
- Or text TALK to 741741
- Behavioral Health Response Team - 845-517-0400
Resources for Grief
Grief work may be helpful to provide support for students and families to process their grief over what was lost at the end of the school year.
- Understanding Grief to Better Support Students, Families and Educators
- Helping Kids Grieve (Resources best for Primary, Intermediate, and Parents)
- Help for Kids - Grief (Resources for Primary, Intermediate, Secondary Students and Parents)
- Helping Children and Teens with Loss for Secondary Students and Parents
- Transforming Grief into Hope (Resources best for Intermediate and Secondary Students; as well as, Parents)
- http://heartsandcraftscounseling.org/
- https://unitedhospiceinc.org/our-services/bereavement-services
- https://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources-and-podcasts/school-safety-and-crisis/mental-health-resources/addressing-grief
Center for Safety and Change - providing Safety , changing lives
24- Hour hotline: 845 - 634 -3344
24- Hour Mobile Text: 845 286 - 4997
24- Hour Web chat: centerforsafetyandchange.org
Thank you!
Thank you for helping the Middle School Guidance Department, especially during our Career Day!
Angela Metzler
Art Carter
Brian Davis
David Hill
Elena Stokes
Gabe Honig
Gaby Kohler
Jason Samuel
Jeffrey Rothman
Kereen Evans-McKay
Matt Cardin
Megan Kndeler
Michael Pettiford
Nicola Medrano
Queilla Coutinho
Rachel Astarte
Shakira Petit
Shane Rogers
Stephanie Kruger
Vando Goncalves
Contact your child's counselor if you would like to volunteer for the next career day presentation!