Welcome to English 7, Team East

English 7

Room 203

Periods 2, 4, 7, 8

Extra Help:  To Be Determined

Contact:  ehughes@nyackschools.org

Class Announcements

  • Google Classroom Codes

    All assignments for the 2021-2022 school year will be posted on Google Classroom.  Here are the codes for each period. Please join the appropriate Google Classroom as soon as possible.

    Room 203 Homeroom Google Classroom code: 

    Period 2 Google Classroom code:  2w6etde

    Period 4 Google Classroom code: hpl2l2p

    Period 7 Google Classroom code: lcmqzdc

    Period 8 Google Classroom code: uj7ghmu

    07 English Mrs. Hughes
  • NEWSELA Class Code

    Period 2: newsela.com/quickjoin/#/STM9BP 

    Period 4: https://newsela.com/quickjoin/#/BYQD48 

    Period 7: newsela.com/quickjoin/#/J3Z86X 

    Period 8: https://newsela.com/quickjoin/#/XEJ5XY 

    07 English Mrs. Hughes


    If you would like to purchase books for your children, consider ordering from Scholastic Book Club.  On www.scholastic.com, click on the Parent tab, and then select "Order from a Reading Club Flyer."  You can link to my teacher account.  My activation code is P7B2K.


    07 English Mrs. Hughes
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