Spotlight on FRC Programs


  • Goodbye Message / Mensaje de despedida

    I am writing to share with you that this will be my final year as your Family Resource Center Coordinator. My last day in the office will be June 28, 2024. Getting to know you and your families over the past nine years and having the opportunity to serve you, has been a truly inspiring and meaningful experience for me.  It has been an honor and a privilege to have been a part of your lives and a member of the Nyack Middle School family. I wish you all the very best as you continue to learn, grow, and advocate for yourselves, your children, your families, and your community.  With much love, admiration, and gratitude,  Wanda Octaviano

    Le escribo para compartir con usted que este será mi último año como Coordinador del Centro de Recursos para Familias (FRC). Mi último día en la oficina será el 28 de junio de 2024. Conocerlos a ustedes y a sus familias durante los últimos nueve años y tener la oportunidad de servirles ha sido una experiencia verdaderamente inspiradora y significativa para mí. Ha sido un honor y un privilegio haber sido parte de sus vidas y un miembro de la familia de Nyack Middle School. Les deseo todo lo mejor mientras continúan aprendiendo, creciendo y defendiéndose a sí mismos, a sus hijos, a sus familias y a su comunidad.  Con mucho amor, admiración y gratitud,   Wanda Octaviano


    Family Resource Center
  • ¿Cómo acceder al portal de padres en tu celular? ¡Mira este video!

    Para aprender come acceder al portal de padres en su celular, mire este video de instruccion.

    Family Resource Center
  • Back to School BBQ - Food, Fun and School Supplies / Barbacoa de regreso a la escuela - Comida, Juegos, Mochilas, Materiales Escolares

    Free Food, Games and School Supplies on Sat, Aug 26th, 2-6pm at Nyack Memorial Park. 
    Comida, juegos y útiles escolares gratis el sábado 26 de agosto de 2 a 6pm en Nyack Memorial Park.
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    Family Resource Center
  • Back Pack Give-away / Sorteo de mochila - FREE / GRATIS - Tues/Martes - 22 de agosto/august, 10am - 1pm

    Come to Rockland BOCES, 65 Parrott Road, West Nyack for free backpacks, while supplies last!
    Tuesday, August 22nd, 10am to 1pm
    ¡Ven a Rockland BOCES, 65 Parrott Road, West Nyack para obtener mochilas gratis, mientras duren las reservas!
    Martes 22 de agosto, de 10am - 1pm. 
    Family Resource Center
  • Annual Free-Reduced Lunch Applications / Solicitudes anuales de almuerzo gratuito a precio reducido

    Your annual application for free/reduced lunch is DUE. Below are applications to download, or you can contact Wanda Octaviano at 845-353-7214 for a hardcopy. DON'T DELAY!

    Su solicitud anual para almuerzo gratis/a precio reducido está VENCIDA. A continuación se encuentran las aplicaciones para descargar, o puede comunicarse con Wanda Octaviano al 845-353-7214 para obtener una copia impresa. ¡NO SE DEMORE!

    Family Resource Center

    Free breakfast and lunch will be served weekdays to anyone under 18 years old - no ID, no residency, no registration, no documentation needed. This program is operated by the Village of Nyack through NYSED with USDA No Child Hungry, just like school meals. Meals will be served at Waldron Terrace (Breakfast - 8am - 9:30am/Lunch 12pm-1pm) and Nyack Center (Breakfast - 9am - 10am/Lunch - 12pm - 1pm) from July 5th - September 1st. See attached flyer.

    El desayuno y el almuerzo gratis se servirán de lunes a viernes a cualquier persona menor de 18 años - sin identificación, sin residencia, sin registro, sin documentación necesaria. Este programa es operado por Village of Nyack a través de NYSED con USDA No Child Hungry, al igual que las comidas escolares. Las comidas se servirán en Waldron Terrace (Desayuno - 8am - 9:30am/Almuerzo 12pm -1 pm) y el Nyack Center (Desayuno - 9am - 10am/Almuerzo - 12pm - 1pm) del 5 de julio al 1 de septiembre. Ver folleto adjunto.

    Family Resource Center
  • Parent Webinars - Special Education / Seminarios para padres sobre Educacion Especial

    SEPTSA (Special Education Parent Teacher Student Association) and the Nyack Family Resource Center are hosting a series of webinars via Zoom for parents focused on Breaking Down the IEP, Parents' Rights and Preparing for the IEP Meeting. We will be presenting these webinars in both English and Spanish. The first series will be in Spanish and will be held the week of March 27th. The Zoom link for both series of webinars is in each flyer attached to this email, and can be accessed here:

    SEPTSA (Asociación de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes de Educación Especial) y el Centro de Recursos para Familias de Nyack están organizando una serie de seminarios a través de Zoom para padres centrados en Entendiendo el IEP, los Derechos de los Padres y como Prepararse para la Reunión del IEP. Estaremos presentando estos webinars en inglés y español.  La primera serie será en español y se llevará a cabo la semana del 27 de marzo. El enlace de Zoom para ambas series de seminarios web se encuentra en cada folleto adjunto a este correo electrónico y se puede acceder aquí:

    Family Resource Center

    CALL /LLAME --  845-364-2520 or 845-364-2524 

    For Information or to make an appointment. Para mas informacion, or para ser una cita. 

    See flyers below / Ver folletos a continuación

    Family Resource Center
  • Graduation Gown Drive 2023

    Please consider sponsoring one or two 8th grade students by purchasing a graduation gown on their behalf. Completed the tear off on the flyer below and send in with a check payable to NYACK MIDDLE SCHOOL. Cash is also accepted. Return form and payment in an envelope to the Main Office in an envelope marked "FRC/Graduation Gown." DEADLINE: February 28, 2023.  

    Family Resource Center
  • Rockland Works / Apoyo para avanzar con su trabajo

    For FREE employment and career services, contact ROCKLAND WORKS, 8 bvcn b45-770-2900

    Para ayuda sober trabajo y carera GRATIS, llame a ROCKLAND WORKS, 845-770-2900.

    Family Resource Center
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Contact Us

Wanda Octaviano, FRC Coordinator Speaks Spanish/Se Habla Espanol  (845) 353-7214 Office Hrs:  Mon - Thurs.,  9am - 3pm. Out of Office on Fridays.





Welcome to the Nyack Middle School Family Resource Center

The Nyack Middle School Family Resource Center (FRC) is here for YOU and YOUR FAMILY        

  • The FRC is a family engagement program dedicated to strengthening the link between family, school and community to ensure the success of EVERY child, pre-K through 8th grade.
  • All FRC services and programs are FREE to Nyack Public School families.  
  • The FRC collaborates with teachers, administrators, community leaders and other partners, building connections to ensure that vital resources are more accessible and responsive to the changing needs of ALL families.  We are here to support you as an active partner in your child's education.  The FRC is funded by the Nyack District and Rockland 21C. 
  • Research shows that family involvement in middle school has direct links to youth's academic success and social outcomes.  The Nyack Middle School Family Resource Center's main goal is to help you, help your child during these challenging years.  
  • Please call anytime for information, answers to your questions and referral requests regarding school, district or county wide services, programs, events, community service opportunities and more! 
  • Nyack FRC District Snapshot - Successes 2019-2020 (Student Population Served: 2,963):  Nyack FRC Info Graphic 2019-2020.pdf 

How the FRC Helps Families

  • Parent Advocacy & Support 
  • Community and District Resources including support groups, healthcare and insurance referrals, family services, student volunteer opportunities, summer camp information,  and more. 
  • Outreach and Informational Events 
  • Translation Services in Spanish and Creole
  • Free School Supplies available to students all year long
  • Monthly FRC Newsletter - English and Spanish

How Families Can Help Families

The FRC coordinates a variety of charitable programs.  Here are some of the ways that YOU can help throughout the school year:

  • DONATION STATION - This program anonymously connects specific donations to students and families in need or in crisis. Join our email list and donate when you can.
  • SCHOOL SUPPLIES - We collect school supplies all year long - especially binders!  Donations can be dropped off in the Guidance Office.
  • Thanksgiving Supermarket GIFT CARD DRIVE - Instead of food items, the FRC gives families the opportunity to make their own food choices with supermarket gift cards.
  • HOLIDAY GIVING - In collaboration with NMS staff, the FRC collects supermarket and other gift cards for our most vulnerable students and their families.