From the Nurse's Office

Welcome to Nyack Middle School Nurse's Office!


Sue Cech RN and Colleen Loughran LPN

Illnesses, Absences and Injuries

If your child becomes ill at school, he/she should report to the nurse's office. If your child needs to go home, the School Nurse will contact you.

  • All absences require a written note or a phone call from parent/guardian
  • If your child is out 3 or more days, a doctor's note is required when he/she returns to school
  • Students must be fever, diarrhea, or vomitting free for a full 24 hours without medication before returning to school
  • If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness please call the attendance office 845-353-7205. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to notify the school if the student is absent

Injuries/ Medical Accessories:

  • If your child is using medical equipment such as braces, crutches, a boot, or any other assistive devices, a doctor’s note is required for proper documentation. The note should include the nature of the injury, any activity restrictions, and the expected duration of those restrictions. If no return-to-activity date is provided, a follow-up note will be needed before your child can resume physical activities.
  • All doctor’s notes must be submitted to the Nurse’s Office, which will provide copies to physical education teachers. Additionally, if your child requires the use of the elevator, a doctor’s note is necessary to issue the elevator key.
  • Upon returning to school, any student with a medical restriction should report to the Nurse’s Office, where emergency evacuation instructions will be provided and staff support will be arranged as needed.

Contact Info for School Nurse and Health Aide

Susan Cech RN

Direct Number: 845 353 7210

Colleen Loughran LPN

Direct Number: 845 353 7211

NMS Nurse's Office Fax: 845-353-7212


Please email or fax updated forms to emails/fax listed above or mail to:

NMS Nurse's Office 

98 South Highland Ave 

Nyack, NY 10960


The health and safety of students is a top priority at our school. Below are the rules and guidelines regarding medications and health action plans. Please review them carefully to ensure proper handling of medications and emergency health needs.

A completed medication form is required for allow any to student to use, carry or store medications in the Nurse's Office. New York State Law requires a medication order form be completed by the MD and signed by the parent - so please do not ask the nurse to administer any medication without your doctor's signature - this includes over the counter medications such as Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and Benadryl.  Try to anticipate your child's needs ahead of time and have everything in place for the time that he/she may need it - these forms are good for a full year! 

Standard Medications:                                            

The Nurse's Office keeps some OTC medications in stock, but if there is something more specific, the OTC medication must be provided in the original package by the parent. As with all medication orders, this order must be renewed annually. *NOTE: these medications must be supplied to the Nurse in their original packaging.*

Medication order form.pdf


For Short-Term/ Daily Medications:                                  

A prescription from the MD must be provided for short term medication use such as antibiotics, prescription eye drops and /or ADHD medication.*NOTE: these medications must be supplied to the Nurse in their original packaging; prescription medications should have the student and doctor's name on them.*  

Medication Order Form - Non-formulary meds 1.pdf   


Please note: The parent or guardian must pick up all medications and inhalers on or before the last day of school. If the medications and inhalers are not picked up they will be discarded.

If you have any questions please call 845-353-7210 // 845-353-7211 or fax 845-353-7212 or email: 

Susan Cech RN -

Colleen Loughran LPN -

Physical & Dental Exams

Physical & Dental Exams:

NY State Law mandates that ALL NEW students and students in 1,3,5, SEVENTH, 9 and 11th grades submit a current physical and proof of dental exam to the Nurse's Office. Mandatory screenings by the School Nurse will done for the above grades if the MD has not documented height, weight, vision, hearing & scoliosis.

Physical exams are good for one year from the date of exam. Sports Physicals will take place before each sport season after school at in the nurse's office by our school MD, this is for student's that do not have a current physical on file, and/or want to participate in our school sports programs. These dates will be made available to 7th and 8th graders prior to each season. Please see the Sport's Registration tab for more information...

Students that fail to submit a mandatory physical may be required to have an in school physical by the School MD at the district's discretion so that we may be in compliance with NY State. 

Medical Action Plans

If your student has any medical issues such as asthma, food allergies that require an epi-pen, seizure disorder, or diabetes, they should have an Emergency Action Plan completed annually by the doctor. Your student should carry their emergency meds/testing equipment at all times and/or keep doses/equipment in the Nurse's Office:

Flu Season Information

Parents can help decrease the spread of viruses by:

  • Keeping your child home if they are having flu like symptoms (fever, sore throat, headache, body aches, & cough)
  • Encourage frequent hand washing or use of a hand sanitizer, especially after using bathrooms and always before eating
  • Remind student's cover their coughs and sneezing with their elbow if tissues are not available
  • Discourage them from touching their eyes, nose or mouth
  • Make sure your child is drinking enough water, eating well & getting enough sleep

Student returning to school should have:

No fever for a minimum 24 hours, no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours and no medication use to reduce these symptoms for 24 hours.

**Be sure the school nurse has your correct contact phone numbers for you and someone authorized to pick up your ill child from school**